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Pupils are said to have racially insulted young people

Young people are said to have been racially insulted by pupils during a school trip. According to the police, several incidents occurred in quick succession.

During a school trip in Lower Saxony, pupils are said to have shouted racist slogans. (symbolic...
During a school trip in Lower Saxony, pupils are said to have shouted racist slogans. (symbolic image)

During class trip - Pupils are said to have racially insulted young people

During a class trip in the municipality of Tossens (Landkreis Wesermarsch), students are reported to have racially insulted minors. According to the police, there have been several incidents in the past week. A 15-year-old was allegedly racially insulted by a group of 10 to 15 people on the previous Wednesday. The second incident is said to have occurred a day later, where three women are reported to have insulted a 16-year-old with racist remarks.

Later, one of the women is said to have made the Hitler salute multiple times, according to the police. The chant "Germany for the Germans, foreigners out" was also reportedly shouted. The perpetrators are initially unknown. The police are investigating due to the suspicion of insulting defamation and are looking for witnesses.

In response to the incidents, authorities in Lower Saxony have expressed concern about the rising trend of racism in schools. The class trip, usually a fun and educational experience, recently turned into a spotlight for crime and discrimination. The police in Wesermarsch are urging women who may have witnessed these incidents to come forward as potential witnesses, as their testimonies could help bring the perpetrators to justice.

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