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Employees take part in a warning
Employees take part in a warning

Public sector employees continue warning strikes

Public sector employees in the federal states are continuing their warning strikes for higher wages in Hamburg on Tuesday. According to the trade union Verdi, this time employees from schools and education authorities have been called to strike. A meeting is planned at Dammtor station at 11.00 am. Not affected by the strike are the large number of civil servant teachers in Hamburg, who are not allowed to strike. For days, the unions have been calling on new professional groups to emphasize their demands for higher wages with work stoppages.

Verdi is demanding 10.5 percent more income for employees in the public sector of the federal states, but at least 500 euros more per month. Junior staff should receive 200 euros more and trainees and dual students should be offered permanent contracts. The union is also demanding a nationwide collective agreement for student employees.

In the second round of negotiations, however, the collective bargaining association of the federal states made it clear that it considers the demands to be far too high and unaffordable. Negotiations for the approximately 1.1 million employees will continue in the third round of talks in Potsdam on December 7. Around 1.4 million civil servants are also affected, to whom the result is usually transferred.

Trade unions across various federal states are pushing for new professional groups to join the strikes, as they aim to pressure the collective bargaining association to consider their demands for higher wages. The ongoing strikes in the public service sector, particularly in Hamburg, have led to discussions about tariffs and their potential impact on wages.




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