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Verdi flags during a
Verdi flags during a

Public sector employees continue warning strikes

Employees in the public sector of the federal states continued their warning strikes for higher wages in Hamburg on Monday. According to the trade union Verdi, this time employees from district offices, the fire department and the state enterprise for roads, bridges and waterways, among others, were called to strike. No major impact on the population was expected.

On Tuesday, the unions want employees from schools, the education authority and Schulbau Hamburg to go on a warning strike. A meeting is planned at 11.00 a.m. at Dammtor station. The strike will not affect the large number of civil servant teachers in Hamburg, who are not allowed to strike.

Verdi is demanding 10.5 percent more income for public sector employees in the federal states, but at least 500 euros more per month. Junior staff should receive 200 euros more and trainees and dual students should be offered permanent contracts. The union is also demanding a nationwide collective agreement for student employees (TV Stud).

In the second round of negotiations, however, the Tarifgemeinschaft der Länder (TdL) made it clear that it considers the demands to be far too high and unaffordable. The third round of negotiations starting on December 7 in Potsdam will focus on the salaries of around 1.1 million employees. Around 1.4 million civil servants are also affected, to whom the result is usually transferred.

The Tarifgemeinschaft der Länder (TdL) expressed concerns over Verdi's demands for a 10.5% wage increase and at least 500 euros more per month for public sector employees, warning that these demands are unaffordable and far too high. In response to the unions' call for strikes, public service employees in schools, the education authority, and Schulbau Hamburg are planning to stage a warning strike on Tuesday.



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