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Public prosecutor's office investigates "Reichsbürger"

The judiciary in Lower Saxony is involved in the investigations into the alleged coup d'état by the so-called "Reich Citizens" around Henry XIII Prince Reuss. The Public Prosecutor General's Office in Celle took over one of the more than 60 proceedings from the Federal Public Prosecutor...

The inscription "Oberlandesgericht Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Nds. Anwaltsgerichtshof" on the
The inscription "Oberlandesgericht Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Nds. Anwaltsgerichtshof" on the Higher Regional Court.

Extremism - Public prosecutor's office investigates "Reichsbürger"

The judiciary in Lower Saxony is involved in the investigations into the alleged coup d'état by the so-called "Reich Citizens" around Henry XIII Prince Reuss. The Public Prosecutor General's Office in Celle took over one of the more than 60 proceedings from the Federal Public Prosecutor General, as the Senior Public Prosecutor Martin Appelbaum confirmed on Wednesday. The "Hannoversche Allgemeine" had first reported on this.

The proceedings are being conducted by the Central Counter-Terrorism Unit and are directed against four suspects, said the Senior Public Prosecutor. Three of them lived in Lower Saxony and one in neighboring North Rhine-Westphalia.

In December 2022, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office had 25 men and women arrested. These included an AfD member of the Bundestag and a soldier from the Bundeswehr Special Forces Command. Businessman Heinrich XIII Prince Reuß, who was arrested in Frankfurt, is considered the ringleader.

More than two dozen charges have now been brought. The federal prosecutor's office accuses the suspects of, among other things, membership and support of a terrorist organization. The suspects are said to have planned to overthrow the political system in Germany. They would have deliberately accepted deaths. They had already worked out the outlines of structures for their own state order.

The proceedings are to be conducted before the higher regional courts in Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart. In Frankfurt, the suspected ringleaders are to be charged, in Stuttgart the military arm and in Munich the other suspected members. Further proceedings against dozens of suspected supporters have been handed over to the public prosecutor's offices of the federal states. One such case of minor importance is now being investigated in Celle.

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