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Public prosecutor's office continues to investigate caregiver

Files lie on the table before a trial in a district
Files lie on the table before a trial in a district

Public prosecutor's office continues to investigate caregiver

A 43-year-old nurse who is on trial for two counts of murder has allegedly committed further crimes. The Bremen public prosecutor's office is conducting seven investigations against the man, said the spokesperson for the public prosecutor's office on Wednesday when asked. He did not give details of the proceedings. There must be suspicion of a criminal offense for a preliminary investigation. There are also other cases that the police are investigating. The spokesperson did not give a number of the so-called test cases.

The Bremen police confirmed that they are investigating cases in cooperation with the public prosecutor's office. A police spokesperson did not give a figure. A special commission called Weser (Soko Weser), which had been dealing with the cases, has since been transferred to the specialist department for capital offenses, it was said.

It is already known that the nurse may have committed further crimes. At the start of the murder trial at Bremen District Court on November 1, a court spokesperson said that the 43-year-old was to be charged with twelve further crimes from 2011 and 2010. Three people had died as a result of the incidents. The nurse had already been sentenced to five years' imprisonment at the regional court in 2020 for causing grievous bodily harm and abusing wards.

"Stern" had initially reported that investigators were looking into suspected cases in the three-digit range. The spokespeople did not comment on this directly. The spokesperson for the public prosecutor's office pointed out the difference between investigative proceedings and test cases.

The suspicions of further crimes committed by the nurse under investigation extend beyond the nursing professions. Despite the ongoing investigations, there's a growing concern that the true extent of these crimes might involve elements of criminal activity.



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