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Public prosecutor: new judges in the Christian B. trial

The suspect in the Maddie case must stand trial in Braunschweig. The warrant for his arrest was revoked this week. The prosecution is appealing against this.

On Wednesday, the arrest warrant against Christian B. (left) was lifted for the current trial.
On Wednesday, the arrest warrant against Christian B. (left) was lifted for the current trial.

Suspect in Maddie case - Public prosecutor: new judges in the Christian B. trial

The Public Prosecutor's Office in Braunschweig is holding the three professional judges in the rape case against Christian B. in custody and intends to release them. The reason being the ruling on Wednesday (3rd July), which lifted the arrest warrant against the accused, was announced by the Prosecutor's Office on Friday. It is to be expected that the Criminal Chamber has already formed its opinion on the fact and guilt question, although the evidence collection is still ongoing and trial dates have been scheduled until October, the Prosecutor's Office stated.

At the Braunschweig Regional Court, the 47-year-old Christian B. must answer for five serious sexual offenses, which he is alleged to have committed in Portugal. This involves three rapes and two cases of sexual abuse against children between 2000 and 2017. Christian B. is also a suspect in the case of the 2007 disappearance of the three-year-old Madeleine "Maddie" McCann from a Portuguese holiday complex. However, this case is not part of the current proceedings in Braunschweig.

The defense of Christian B. filed the application for the revocation of the arrest warrant. However, Christian B. remains in prison as he is currently serving a sentence for rape, the scene of the crime was Portugal. He was also sentenced to this prison term by the Braunschweig Regional Court.

The Public Prosecutor's Office Braunschweig applied, in addition to the rejection of the current judges in the rape trial due to concern of bias, for the "replacement with unbiased judges and judges". Furthermore, it is intended to file a complaint against the ruling on the revocation of the arrest warrant against Christian B.

According to the information provided by the Braunschweig Regional Court, the competent chamber of representation will decide on the question of bias until the next hearing on August 5th, if the rejection application is deemed admissible.

  1. Christopher B., currently in custody in Lower Saxony's Braunschweig, is facing charges at the Braunschweig Regional Court for five sexual offenses, including three rapes and two cases of child sexual abuse, which allegedly took place in Portugal between 2000 and 2017.
  2. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Great Britain is also investigating Christian B. in connection with the 2007 disappearance of Madeleine McCann from a Portuguese holiday complex, although this case is not directly linked to the current proceedings in Braunschweig.
  3. The rape case against Christian B. has garnered significant attention, as he is currently serving a prison sentence for rape in Germany, which was also handed down by the Braunschweig Regional Court.
  4. Although the arrest warrant against Christian B. was revoked on Wednesday, the three professional judges presiding over the case are still being held in custody by the Public Prosecutor's Office, with the intention of releasing them pending the outcome of the competent chamber's decision on bias.
  5. In addition to requesting the replacement of potentially biased judges, the Public Prosecutor's Office in Braunschweig is planning to file a complaint against the ruling that revoked the arrest warrant for Christian B.
  6. The children who were victims of the sexual abuse committed by Christian B. in Portugal are likely to have been affected by the crimes and the subsequent court proceedings, adding an additional layer of complexity to the case.

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