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Public prosecutor files murder charges in case of 14-year-old girl killed in Hesse

Around three months after a 14-year-old girl was found dead in a forest in northern Hesse, the public prosecutor's office in Kassel has brought murder charges against a 21-year-old man. He is alleged to have strangled the teenager on September 27, according to a spokesperson for the authorities...

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Public prosecutor files murder charges in case of 14-year-old girl killed in Hesse

After her death, he is said to have touched the body in a "sexually motivated manner". He is therefore also accused of disturbing the peace of the dead. The juvenile chamber of the Kassel district court must decide whether to admit the charges. The 21-year-old is still in custody. He is said to have been friends with the victim before the crime.

The girl had been missing since September 27. One day later, the body was found in a wooded area in Bad Emstal. An emergency doctor was alerted and could only determine that she had died. That same evening, the accused was arrested as a suspect.

He had been seen in the area in question at the time of the girl's disappearance. He had already been questioned by the police during the search. After the 14-year-old girl was found, his statements came into focus.

A search of his home confirmed the suspicion. The teenager's cell phone and other evidence were found in his home. The man was no stranger to the justice system, but he had not previously attracted attention through violence. An autopsy of the body revealed that the 14-year-old had been strangled.

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