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Psychologist Meyer is "University Lecturer of the Year" 2024

The "University Teacher of the Year" award, which comes with prize money of 10,000 euros, will go to Chemnitz psychologist Bertolt Meyer in 2024. On Wednesday, Lambert Koch, President of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers, explained that his research focuses on the...

The Chemnitz psychologist Bertolt Meyer.
The Chemnitz psychologist Bertolt Meyer.

Universities - Psychologist Meyer is "University Lecturer of the Year" 2024

The "University Teacher of the Year" award, which comes with prize money of 10,000 euros, will go to Chemnitz psychologist Bertolt Meyer in 2024. On Wednesday, Lambert Koch, President of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers, explained that his academic work focuses on the fusion of humans and technology as well as diversity.

Meyer's life story and research fields are closely interwoven. "He himself was born without a left forearm, wears a bionic prosthesis and helped to develop a high-end artificial limb for his hobby as a DJ," explained Koch. He is also an important communicator and moderates various science formats.

The prize has been awarded annually since 2006 by the association - a professional organization of scientists with more than 33,000 members, according to its own information. Previous winners include the virologist Christian Drosten, the economist Hans-Werner Sinn, the founders of the biotechnology company Biontech, Uğur Şahin and Özlem Türeci, and the marine biologist Antje Boetius.

Researchers who have promoted the reputation of their profession in the public eye through exceptional commitment are honored. The award will be presented to Meyer at a gala in Berlin on March 25.

He received congratulations from the top of Chemnitz University of Technology on Wednesday. Rector Gerd Strohmeier spoke of a "great honor" and Meyer's outstanding commitment. "This is by no means only evident in the areas of research and teaching, but also in the areas of transfer, diversity and inclusion - areas that enjoy outstanding importance at Chemnitz University of Technology as a whole." Meyer holds the Chair of Work, Organizational and Business Psychology in Chemnitz.

DHV press release TU Chemnitz press release

Read also:

  1. The recognition as "University Lecturer of the Year" is not limited to psychologists, as scientists from various fields, such as virologists and marine biologists, have also received this award.
  2. Besides being a university lecturer and psychologist, Bertolt Meyer is also a DJ who has contributed to the development of high-end artificial limbs.
  3. The honor of "University Lecturer of the Year" is not just about teaching and research, but also about promoting the reputation of the profession through commitment to transfer, diversity, and inclusion, as exemplified by Meyer.
  4. The annual award for outstanding commitment in promoting the reputation of the scientific profession is recognized not only in Germany, but also in international universities, such as those in Saxony, including the University of Chemnitz.


