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Protests outside the Ministry of Justice in Glückstadt against pre-deportation detentions.

A group of protesters have rallied outside the Ministry of Justice in Kiel, calling for the closure of a controversial immigration detention facility in Glückstadt.

View of the deportation detention center in Glückstadt for Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and...
View of the deportation detention center in Glückstadt for Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Protest Gathers Staff, Directors Over Salary Dispute - Protests outside the Ministry of Justice in Glückstadt against pre-deportation detentions.

Close to the Ministry of Justice in Kiel, about 25 protesters voiced their dissent against the Glückstadt detention center (Steinburg region) as per the police records. On Tuesday, the group "No detention center in Glückstadt and beyond" urged for the Assembly.

Simultaneously, another protest occurred in front of the Foreigners' Office in Itzehoe.

The alliance is demanding the closure of the facility and the liberation of a male detainee who is claimed to have been on a hunger strike for eight days inside the institute. Additionally, they raised concerns about the deportation of the man to Turkey.

However, a spokesperson from Schleswig-Holstein's Ministry of Justice refuted the claim that the person hadn't consumed anything for eight days. Instead, he said, the man had fasted for only two days. Starting Wednesday, the man has opted to abstain from eating prison meals but has been consuming high-calorie foods packed with nutrients. The man still intakes fluids constantly, the spokesperson added. He reported that the man is in good health and under regular medical supervision.

The deportation center, managed by Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on the Elbe, began functioning in August 2021. The Left faction in the Hamburg Senate objected to the conditions within the facility in February and requested its shutdown.

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