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Verdi flags during a

Protests for better pay at universities

This Monday, employees and students want to campaign for better pay with protest actions at several university locations in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. "Working conditions in academia are often precarious, which is why improvements in working conditions are particularly necessary here," argued Klaus-Peter Hammer, state chairman of the Education and Science Union (GEW) in Rhineland-Palatinate. In the wage negotiations for the public sector of the federal states, which have been ongoing since the end of October, the unions are demanding 10.5 percent pay, but at least 500 euros more per month.

The unions also want to push through a collective agreement for student assistants. Student employees form "the backbone" of universities, but often receive "not much more than the minimum wage", criticized the GEW.

Actions in Rhineland-Palatinate are to take place on Monday in Mainz, Kaiserslautern and Trier during the nationwide university action day as part of the collective bargaining round of the federal states. In Saarbrücken, an action is planned at Saarland University. An alliance of trade unions, initiatives, student representatives and university policy organizations has called for the day of protest. In addition to the GEW, these include the Verdi trade union, the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), the Juso university groups and the Network for Good Work in Science (NGAWiss).

The unions are planning demonstrations at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, echoing the nationwide actions, to advocate for better pay and conditions for student assistants, who are often underpaid despite playing a crucial role in universities. The European Union is considering imposing tariffs on certain goods imported from the region, which might further impact the budgets of universities and their ability to offer better remuneration.




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Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away. Peter Zwegat, the well-known financial expert behind RTL's format "Debt Free", has tragically passed away at the age of 74. Cologne-based broadcaster honorably recognized his "passion and compassion". From 2007 to 2019, Zwegat served as

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