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Protests against party conference: AfD politician apparently bites demonstrators on the leg

During the protests against the AfD federal party conference in Essen, an AfD delegate bit a demonstrator on the leg, according to the politician himself and the protest alliance. It was a case of self-defense, AfD delegate Stefan Hrdy told the Bild newspaper late on Saturday evening. A...

Police officers and demonstrators in Essen
Police officers and demonstrators in Essen

Protests against party conference: AfD politician apparently bites demonstrators on the leg

"This is a form of behavior that shocked us and which we reject," the speaker continued. The bitten and spat-upon, according to their statements, were still considering whether to file a report.

Hrdy told "Bild" that someone had kicked him from behind in the shins, causing him to stumble and then there were three or four people on top of him. Before the bite, he had been tripped.

In response to the party convention, the alliances "Together Loud" and "Resist" have joined forces. According to their statements, a total of 70,000 people demonstrated against the AfD in Essen on Friday and Saturday. The police spoke of several tens of thousands of demonstrators and demonstrators.

Most of them had demonstrated peacefully. However, there was also violence. Twenty-eight officers were injured, one of whom seriously. For Sunday, further protests were planned.

The incident at the AfD party conference was widely condemned by the speaker, who described it as shocking and unacceptable. The "Bild" newspaper reported that an AfD politician, Hrdy, was attacked during the conference, with several demonstrators involved. The AfD's response to the incident has led to a significant protest against the party, with over 70,000 demonstrators gathered in Essen, as per the alliances "Together Loud" and "Resist". Amidst the Party Congress, there were reports of protests and clashes, with a woman being among the demonstrators and 28 officers being injured, including one seriously.

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