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Protestors attack police in Gaza, layers from Israel removed

Police records indicate that civil servants have been assaulted and Israeli flags were torn down at protests in Berlin related to the Middle East crisis. Four demonstrations on Saturday resulted in the temporary detention of 24 individuals and the initiation of 21 criminal probes, according to...

The flag of Palestine is waved at a pro-Palestinian rally.
The flag of Palestine is waved at a pro-Palestinian rally.

Conflicts arise. - Protestors attack police in Gaza, layers from Israel removed

During a rally supporting Palestine in the Wedding district with an estimated 3000 attendees, there were rumored conflicts between law enforcement and protesters. Some demonstrators are said to have rushed at a person waving an Israeli flag. Officers tried to shield the individual from the agitated crowd, employing what they called "versatile canes" to pushing back the "combative participants." One protester successfully ripped the man's flag.

As a result, objects, such as a bottle, were flung at the police, they claimed. The police responded by making numerous arrests. There were repeated episodes of projectiles being tossed at the officers.

A participant in the Palestine demonstration apparently hurled a rock at a supporter of the opposing viewpoint. While passing by the anti-demonstration, bottles were hurled in their direction and at police cars. The police once again resorted to using "versatile canes," as they reported. During the detainment of a suspected bottle-tosser, a police officer was hurt, according to the police's spokesperson.

Towards the conclusion of the Palestine protest, a woman was encountered holding two Israeli flags. Around 100 participants were alleged to have aggressively targeted the woman and insulted her. A man seized both flags from her hands and shredded them.

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