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Protesting Against War: Over a Thousand Individuals rally in Munich

Multitudes voice their opposition to the war in Munich, employing white doves, banners, and poster displays.

- Protesting Against War: Over a Thousand Individuals rally in Munich

Following the Anti-War Day celebration in Germany, roughly a thousand individuals expressed their desires for peace by protesting against war in Munich.

The largest event was a march that started at Marienplatz and was anticipated to end there as well. The authorities estimated about 1,500 individuals joining the march at its commencement, although 5,000 had registered.

At Königsplatz, union Verdi announced a gathering of 2,000 participants, rallying under the banner "Never again fascism and war! Long live international solidarity!". The authorities acknowledged around 350 people present. Both events began peacefully, void of major disruptions.

Annually on September 1st, Anti-War Day is commemorated to remember Germany's intrusion into Poland on September 1, 1939, which initiated World War II.

Several protests occurred in Munich, the Bavarian capital, on Saturday. Approximately 500 supporters of the Reich Citizens scene gathered under the banner "The Great Meeting of the Federal States, Homeland and World Peace". Simultaneously, members of "The Last Generation" disrupted a city center street for 24 hours, advocating for a move away from fossil fuels.

The protest against war in Munich was significantly supported by individuals from various parts of Bavaria. Despite the authorities' expectations, the march against war saw a larger turnout than anticipated, with more than just the registered 5,000 participating.

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