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Protesters decide against escalating their hunger strike currently.

Climate activists in Berlin have called on Chancellor Scholz to make an official statement through a hunger strike for several weeks. They have now responded to recent developments.

Climate activist Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick at a press conference in the hunger strike camp in...
Climate activist Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick at a press conference in the hunger strike camp in Invalidenpark.

Environmental conditions and weather patterns are transitioning, influencing an array of effects on the planet. - Protesters decide against escalating their hunger strike currently.

Climate activists have decided not to intensify their hunger strike for a response from Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) at the moment. They are responding to "encouraging signs from politics," as reported last Thursday. "Instead of escalating to a highly risky dry hunger strike, they will now give Chancellor Scholz and politics some breathing room," the statement explains.

Proffered Hand

The hunger strikers have thus opted to "extend a hand" to Chancellor Scholz and Politics. This means that the hunger strike for a government declaration will be less intense for a week, and "the striking climate activists will resume consuming juice or food for energy again."

Climate activists from the "Hunger until You're Honest" movement have been attempting to convince Scholz to publicly admit that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is already too high and that there is no more CO2 budget remaining for over a month.

"Not enough yet"

The activists' actions have prompted Scholz to connect flood disasters and the climate crisis in his statements during his trip to the flood-affected areas in Bavaria and the government announcement on Friday, according to the statement.

"It's not enough yet, but we see positive changes in Chancellor Scholz's statements," Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, one of the hunger strikers, is quoted in the statement. He had commenced his fasting on March 7th, with others joining progressively. Since then, he has drunk juice every day for the initial 78 days, followed by an "absolute hunger strike," which means he has abstained from carbohydrates but consumed liquids. [Note: The wording "absolute hunger strike" is not a usual term used for hunger strikes, so it may be confusing. Consider using "water-only hunger strike" to make it clearer.](

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