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Protestant Church: People are becoming thin-skinned

According to the Protestant Church, the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East as well as other crises are making people more thin-skinned. They should respond to the increasing stress with respect and love, explained Volker Jung, President of the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN), in...

Protestant hymnals in a church.
Protestant hymnals in a church.

Word for the New Year 2024 - Protestant Church: People are becoming thin-skinned

According to the Protestant Church, the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East as well as other crises are making people more thin-skinned. They should respond to the increasing stress with respect and love, explained Volker Jung, President of the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN), in his "Word for the New Year 2024". This was to appear in the first issue of the new magazine "chrismon - plus Hessen-Nassau".

According to Jung, aggressive conversations and arguments in particular are an expression of social tension. This is countered by the biblical sentence: "Let all that you do be done in love" from 1 Corinthians (16:14). People should take this sentence to heart for better coexistence. "It's not about big feelings," explained the church president. A loving approach is already enough. "That means being friendlier and more respectful. That would already go a long way."

Word for the turn of the year

Read also:

  1. Despite the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, Volker Jung, President of the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau, encourages a loving approach towards others as they enter the New Year 2024.
  2. In his "Word for the New Year" publication, Jung emphasizes the importance of responding to crises with respect and love, drawing on a biblical quote from 1 Corinthians (16:14).
  3. For Jung, the key to better coexistence lies not in grand gestures of love, but in daily acts of friendliness and respect towards others.
  4. At the turn of the year, the Protestant Church in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse-Nassau is launching a new magazine called "chrismon - plus Hessen-Nassau," with Jung's "Word for the New Year" featured in its inaugural issue.
  5. As people celebrate the New Year in Nassau or anywhere else, Jung's call to action can serve as a reminder to approach others with love and respect, particularly in the face of global crises in the Middle East and Ukraine.


