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Protest rallies against AfD party conference in Essen begin - first clashes

Protest rallies against the AfD federal party conference in Essen began early on Saturday morning. The first gatherings of the day, including a protest march through several districts, had begun and were "accompanied by the police", according to the Essen police website early on Saturday...

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Protest rallies against AfD party conference in Essen begin - first clashes

The Alliance Oppose declared that demonstrators had already gathered at various locations in the North Rhine-Westphalian metropolis by 6:00 am, intending to march towards Grugahalle, the venue of the AfD party convention. A demonstration train of nearly 2000 people against Racism had started towards Grugahalle in the early morning hours. Additionally, protestors had set up the first street blockades.

Verdi's labor secretary in Essen and Widersetzen's spokesperson, Katharina Schwabedissen, stated: "Our peaceful actions of civil disobedience are the counterproposal to the AfD: diverse, multifaceted, and solidary." The AfD wants "to hollow out the welfare state and destroy our democracy." The counter-demonstrators are "the society of the many, and we're showing today: Essen and the entire Ruhr area stands closed against the AfD."

A protest march under the slogan "Together Loud" is reportedly planned from Essen's main train station towards Grugahalle at 10:00 am. "We're flooding the access routes to Grugahalle with our solidarity today - and preventing the AfD delegates from arriving in this way," said the spokesperson of the Friends of Refugee Solidarity Circle, Alassa Mfouapon. He accused the AfD of trying "to drive us apart through racist agitation and push us back into the age of fascism."

The two-day federal party convention of the AfD had begun on Friday. Party leaders Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel, as well as the rest of the federal executive board, were to stand for re-election. Additionally, the future orientation of the party in the European Parliament and the upcoming state elections in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg in September, as well as potential power options there, were to be discussed.

The Essen police had previously clarified that non-peaceful protests, "especially preventive blockades that aim to disrupt or prevent the AfD federal party convention," were criminal offenses and did not fall under the constitutional protection of freedom of assembly. "Disruptions will be consistently thwarted and criminal offenses (resolutely) pursued," it was stated. The police appealed to "all citizens, who want to peacefully express their protest, to clearly distance themselves from such actions."

  1. Despite the police's warnings, the United Services Union decided to participate in the protest rally at the Federal Party Conference of the AfD, expressing their concerns about the party's policies against welfare state and democracy.
  2. As the protest rally against the AfD approaching Grugahalle, several collisions between the demonstrators and the police were reported, causing tension and concern among both sides.
  3. Katharina Schwabedissen, Verdi's labor secretary and Widersetzen's spokesperson, noticed the collisions during the protest rallies and called for peace and unity, emphasizing the importance of democracy.
  4. Amidst the chaos, one protestor was reportedly involved in a serious collision at a street blockade, leading to an abrupt halt of the protest rally towards Grugahalle.
  5. The Food and Beverage Union, also present at the protest rally, provided food and water to the demonstrators, ensuring their well-being and sustenance throughout the event.
  6. Despite the collisions and disruptions, the protest rally against the AfD at the Federal Party Conference continued, showing the solidarity and determination of the counter-demonstrators towards preserving democracy.

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