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Protest in front of the Ministry of Justice against pre-deportation detention in Glückstadt

Protesters have assembled in front of the Justice Ministry in Kiel, calling for the shutdown of the controversial detention facility for deportations in Glückstadt.

View of the deportation detention center in Glückstadt for Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and...
View of the deportation detention center in Glückstadt for Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Protests or rallies - Protest in front of the Ministry of Justice against pre-deportation detention in Glückstadt

Outside the Ministry of Justice in Kiel, a group of 25 individuals gathered to condemn the detention center in Glückstadt (located in the Steinburg district), in line with police reports. The coalition calling itself "No detention center in Glückstadt and beyond" organized the rally, which coincided with a similar rally in front of the foreigners' office in Itzehoe.

Their goal? To shut down the center and free an individual being held there. Allegedly, this man has been on a hunger strike for eight days, and the coalition wants to halt his planned deportation to Turkey.

In response, the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Justice shared a different version of events, denying any claims that the man had abstained from food for the stated duration. He had skipped meals for just two days, instead. While he'd refused prison food since last Wednesday, he'd been given high-calorie meals in its stead. The man was also reportedly consuming liquids continually and was in good physical condition, with regular medical check-ups being conducted.

Since mid-August 2021, the deportation detention center for Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern along the Elbe has been operational. Lately, the Left party in the Hamburg Senate has voiced their concerns over the facility's circumstances and attempted to shut it down.

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