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Protest encampment 3.0 of the punk subculture formally concludes on Sylt

Annually, punks hailing from various parts of Germany assemble a summertime protest camp on Sylt. This year's event has concluded, and there's an increasing clamor to prohibit a similar gathering in 2025.

The officially-announced termination of the protest site now stands. (Archive pic)
The officially-announced termination of the protest site now stands. (Archive pic)

- Protest encampment 3.0 of the punk subculture formally concludes on Sylt

The Punk Protest Gathering on Sylt has concluded. Under the banner "Protest Gathering for Sympathetic Coexistence - Climate Justice and Progress Towards a Common Future Without Gentrification", individuals from across Germany have been vocalizing their criticisms of capitalism since July 22nd, as per the group "Aktion Sylt".

The event's attendees set up a sort of mini-festival - complete with concerts, workshops, readings, and political activities. Despite the formal conclusion of the gathering, it doesn't necessarily mean that all punks will promptly depart the location and the island: The organizers have until September 6th to clear and tidy up the festival grounds in the industrial area near the airport in Tinnum.

If the site isn't cleaned by that date, "we will request the organizer to ensure that this is carried out immediately," the Kreis Nordfriesland stated. Based on last year's occurrences, it's anticipated that there will be no significant issues.

Protest gatherings started in the summer of 2022.

On Friday, the protest gathering still housed around 80 attendees, according to police statistics. "The number of attendees has been on a steady decline. The gathering reached its peak in mid-August," a police representative mentioned. The number of interventions is in the low three-digit range. The main reasons for intervention are disturbances to the peace and aggressive begging. In addition, there are minor cases of physical harm and property damage from graffiti.

This is the third punk gathering on the holiday island. It all began with the Nine-Euro-Ticket on the North Sea island in the summer of 2022. At that time, around 100 punks camped in tents in front of the town hall in Westerland, to the dismay of many Sylt residents and tourists. The third installation, positioned outside the island's tourist center, was more organized: there are toilets, a kitchen tent, and a stage.

According to Kreis Nordfriesland, the organizers have adhered to the requirements, such as setting up chemical toilets, trash cans, and stewards with white armbands or high-vis vests.

Petition against further punk protest gatherings initiated

However, the 3rd gathering and its attendees continue to stir unease among some Sylt residents. In mid-August, a Sylt resident initiated an online petition addressed to Nordfriesland's district administrator Florian Lorenzen, calling for "an immediate ban on further punk gatherings on Sylt, especially in nature and landscape protection areas". As of September 1st, 13:30, 1,365 individuals have signed the petition, 803 of whom reside on the island. The petition can still be signed for about five more months. The required threshold for consideration has already been reached.

The district said that the state can only prohibit assemblies that are protected by Article 8 of the Basic Law under strict conditions, such as if the freedom and democratic basic order is violated or if violence or the commission of criminal offenses is likely, thereby posing an immediate threat to public safety.

However, based on the experiences with the three previous punk protest gatherings on Sylt, this is not anticipated, a spokesperson said. "The protest gatherings thus far have held a demonstrative character." A comprehensive evaluation of whether future announced protest gatherings can be held under the protection of the right of assembly or banned is not feasible.

After the conclusion of the Punk Protest Gathering on Sylt, many attendees are planning to extend their stay on Holiday Island, as the organizers have until September 6th to clean up the festival grounds. Despite the petition against further punk protest gatherings, some supporters of the movement have suggested organizing a future event on Holiday Island, voicing their desire for a peaceful protest in support of climate justice and coexistence.

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