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Protest against AfD federal party conference continues with vigil

The AfD federal party conference continues on Sunday in Essen. Another protest event is planned: There is to be a vigil in the morning.

Participants in a demonstration against the AfD federal party conference march to the Grugahalle.
Participants in a demonstration against the AfD federal party conference march to the Grugahalle.

Food - Protest against AfD federal party conference continues with vigil

With a protest watch in sight of the Grugahall, protests against the AfD federal party conference in Essen are set to continue this Sunday. The event starts at 9:00 am. 500 participants have registered. The party conference, which began in the hall on Saturday at 10:00 am, is expected to continue.

This is already the third day of protests against the party event. On Friday evening, around 5000 people attended a rave demo. On Saturday, tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets. By Saturday evening, the police counted a total of 32 counter-demonstrations and events.

The protest on Saturday was marked by many faces, some aggressive. Activists attempted to prevent delegates from reaching the venue through street blockades on Saturday morning. There were frequent clashes with the police. Officers used batons and pepper spray, for example, to prevent protesters from breaking through barriers. Some delegates were escorted to the Grugahalle under police protection, surrounded by demonstrators.

In one incident, a police officer and a policewoman were knocked to the ground. While lying on the ground, they were reportedly kicked by the assailants. Both were taken to the hospital. It was later determined that the officer sustained serious injuries, while the officer sustained light injuries. Seven other officers were also lightly injured in the incident. The perpetrators escaped.

A total of 28 officers were injured according to the police on Saturday, one severely. Demonstrators also sustained injuries, such as from pepper spray. Several representatives of the activists criticized the police for excessive force. The conference began slightly delayed.

Later on Saturday, a peaceful protest dominated the events: A large demonstration march of the moderate faction through the city involved several tens of thousands of people. The organizers of the initiative "Together Loud" spoke of 50,000 demonstration participants. They demonstrated against intolerance and right-wing extremism. Many had made colorful posters.

NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) welcomed the protest. "The many thousands of demonstrators in Essen show: In North Rhine-Westphalia, there is no place for hate speech, hate, and right-wing extremism," he declared according to the state chancellery. The march culminated in a rally with an accompanying music program on a large square near the Grugahalle. Due to the intense heat in the afternoon, the crowd was not as large as originally anticipated: Many had left after the demonstration.

Out of concern for disrupting the party conference, the police were present with several thousand officers from various federal states. Several water cannons were on standby. Left-wing extremists had previously threatened the AfD event with violent actions.

Police news ticker

  1. Despite the ongoing vigil against the AfD party conference in Essen, visibility for the protests on Sunday is expected to be high, with 500 participants registered to attend.
  2. On Sunday, the North Rhine-Westphalia police will maintain a strong presence at the AfD party conference, aiming to prevent any disruptions or violent demonstrations.
  3. Following the aggressive protests on Saturday, organizers of moderate parties in North Rhine-Westphalia have planned peaceful demonstrations on Sunday, urging an end to intolerance and right-wing extremism.
  4. As the AfD party conference continues through Sunday, tensions between demonstrators and police remain high, with fears of counter-demonstrations and potential clashes potentially disrupting the event.
  5. In light of the incidents on Saturday, the AfD party conference on Sunday has been met with heightened security measures and a call for protesters to engage in peaceful demonstrations rather than violence.

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