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Protective vests for bailiffs here: criticism of delivery

Bailiffs have a thankless and sometimes dangerous job - for example, when they ring the doorbell to seize money. The state is now giving them vests to give them better protection.

Bailiffs hold their new protective vests in their hands during a press event.
Bailiffs hold their new protective vests in their hands during a press event.

Justice - Protective vests for bailiffs here: criticism of delivery

The first of 750 protective vests for bailiffs across the country were handed over at Cologne District Court on Monday. The German Bailiffs' Association (DGVB) welcomed the purchase, but at the same time criticized the long lead time. "You only had to wait longer for a Trabi," said the regional head of the DGVB, Frank Neuhaus, to the German Press Agency.

His association had been pushing for the protective equipment for years, Neuhaus emphasized: "The Ministry of Justice of North Rhine-Westphalia didn't exactly cover itself in glory when it came to the order. We expect better communication, better handling and better planning when it comes to providing additional safety equipment."

Justice Minister Benjamin Limbach (Greens) recently stated that the protective vests should have arrived long ago. However, there had been delivery problems, partly because the Bundeswehr had placed a large order with the same manufacturer following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to Limbach, the state is investing 400,000 euros in the vests. In addition, bailiffs will soon be equipped with pepper spray.

Both the protective vests and the pepper spray will not be compulsory to wear, according to Limbach. According to the Cologne district court, the vests are personalized so that they fit every bailiff exactly. According to the ministry, the other court districts will be equipped gradually.

When handing over the first vests, Cologne district court president Dietmar Dumke said that bailiffs not only have a demanding profession, "but also a dangerous one in some cases." The bailiffs often find themselves in situations for which they are not prepared at the time. The situation is "often very emotionally charged, particularly in the case of evictions or child removals." Dumke emphasized that the protective vests are another building block for the safety of bailiffs.

Read also:

  1. Trade unions in North Rhine-Westphalia have expressed concern about the delivery delays of protective vests for bailiffs, highlighting the need for better communication and planning from the Justice Ministry.
  2. In response to criticism, Justice Minister Benjamin Limbach acknowledged delivery problems with the protective vests, partly due to the Bundeswehr's large order with the same manufacturer following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
  3. The affected bailiffs in Cologne, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, were relieved to receive their personalized protective vests, as they often find themselves in dangerous situations and are not always prepared.
  4. The German Press Agency reported that Benjamin Limbach, the Greens-affiliated Justice Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, is investing 400,000 euros in protective vests and pepper spray for bailiffs across the region.
  5. Local court in Düsseldorf, another city in North Rhine-Westphalia, also welcomed the delivery of protective vests, recognizing the important role they play in ensuring the safety of bailiffs, who have a demanding and sometimes dangerous profession.


