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Promoting Democracy: Schwesig Praises Diversity's Beauty

Before the polls, a day of advocacy for democracy is held in MV. Initiators express concerns over the AfD. MV's Minister President advocates for diversity and tolerance.

Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Minister President of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Minister President of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Voting Sessions - Promoting Democracy: Schwesig Praises Diversity's Beauty

Just prior to the municipal and European elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, approximately 3,000 individuals took part in an "Action Day for Democratic MV." The police reported about 2,000 participants located in Rostock for a rally where they chanted, "Never Again Now." Similarly, in Greifswald, 500 people participated in a demonstration, and 350 did the same in Schwerin. More events occurred in places such as Pasewalk, Parchim, Stralsund, and Teterow as well.

Police estimated 400 participants in the Greifswald event and 360 in Schwerin. This number surpassed the growth expectations of the local coalitions. Spokesperson Lars Schulz highlighted the exceeding of these predictions in a statement.

The "Teterow is Colorful, Not Brown" celebration attracted about 250 participants. Güstrow saw 30 attendees, and Bützow held 100 people. Additionally, a star rally in Laage drew 150 people, and 200 people came together in Grevesmühlen.

Minister President Manuela Schwesig urged the need for a more robust and diverse democracy. She remarked in a statement from the state chancellery during the Schwerin closing event, "Let us all set sail together toward a multi-ethnic and diverse nation, for democracy in Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and all of Germany!"

The government leader strived for an inclusive and tolerant society. "A multicolored, diverse country is more attractive and livable. Disparities do not weaken us; they strengthen us," said Schwesig. She praised the citizens participating in the statewide action day.

On June 9, not just like nationally, the elections for the European Parliament will occur in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, but also for city and district councils and voluntary mayors.

According to a poll by the opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of the "Ostsee-Zeitung" (OZ), there could be a combined effort for the top positions in districts and cities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the upcoming local elections. Twenty-two percent of respondents revealed they would vote for the AfD during these elections. The CDU followed with 19 percent, and the SPD with 18 percent.

The alliance, which encompasses regional initiatives and networks like Nordkirche, launched a call. They clarified, "We don't want fascists in our parliaments. The AfD is attempting to spread their fascist policies everywhere, not with us!"

The alliance aims to uphold the "Never Again Now" motto, a popular sentiment coursing through society to counter challenges to the liberal-democratic order. However, the police estimated a larger presence on the streets at the beginning of the year. On January 22, approximately 1,500 protesters gathered in Greifswald, and on January 23, 2,500 did so in Schwerin.

Sadly, in the night between Saturday and Sunday in Feldberg (Mecklenburgische Seenplatte), various election posters were defaced, according to police reports. Some of the main political parties who experienced these damaging acts include the SPD, the Greens, and the Free Voters. Additionally, posters from the CDU and the Left were damaged.

Timetable of events and police announcements:

  • Schwerin:
  • Greifswald:
  • Rostock:
  • Rostock - posters:

Police announcements in Schwerin:

Police announcements in Greifswald:

Police announcement regarding defaced posters in Rostock:

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