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Project aims to protect children from the consequences of climate change

A project launched by the Bavarian Ministry of Health at the beginning of the year aims to protect children from heatwaves and other consequences of climate change. With the "KAMEL" project, the ministry wants to train educational staff in daycare centers and curative educational facilities in...

Judith Gerlach (CSU), Minister for Health, takes part in the plenary session in the Bavarian
Judith Gerlach (CSU), Minister for Health, takes part in the plenary session in the Bavarian state parliament.

Ministry of Health - Project aims to protect children from the consequences of climate change

A project launched by the Bavarian Ministry of Health at the beginning of the year aims to protect children from heatwaves and other consequences of climate change. With the "KAMEL" project, the ministry wants to train educational staff in daycare centers and curative educational facilities in heat and UV protection, according to a statement on Wednesday.

"We must arm ourselves against the health risks posed by climate change and raise awareness of the problem," demanded Bavaria's Health Minister Judith Gerlach (CSU). Children's health is particularly affected by future climate change.

A scientist from the Bavarian State Office for Health is to conduct interviews with educational staff in the coming months. According to the ministry, the aim is to find out what staff know about adapting to climate change or preventative measures.

Based on the interviews, the ministry plans to develop an online training course and a questionnaire with the relevant answers. The ministry also wants to make accompanying training materials on how to properly protect children from heat and UV radiation available to childcare providers and educational staff. This should also close any gaps in knowledge identified in the interviews.

The project will run for two years and is being funded with around 210,000 euros.

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