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Professor from Goethe University admits membership in Leopoldina.

Goethe University's Volker Müller, a renowned authority in microbiology, has been accepted as a member of the prestigious German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.

Microbiologist Volker Müller from Frankfurt's Goethe University.
Microbiologist Volker Müller from Frankfurt's Goethe University.

Exploring the mysteries of nature and the universe - Professor from Goethe University admits membership in Leopoldina.

Volker Müller, a microbiologist at Frankfurt's Goethe University, has been admitted to the renowned National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina. Goethe University made the announcement on Wednesday in Frankfurt. Müller is a well-known figure in the global scientific community, specializing in carbon dioxide fixation by bacteria and archaea. These microorganisms exhibit unique characteristics that are of great interest to researchers.

The Leopoldina holds the title of being the oldest natural scientific-medical academy in the world. It also represents German science on the global stage, providing advice to politics and the public. "I am thrilled about the recognition of my scientific work and the new responsibilities in the academy," expressed Müller. He has been inducted into the Microbiology and Immunology section.

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