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Professionals believe that the flooding situation will continue to improve.

Inundated locations were once more engulfed with uncertainty due to recent weekend rainfall. While water levels have increased, they did not reach the previous extremes.

Parts of the old town are flooded by the Danube.
Parts of the old town are flooded by the Danube.

Current atmospheric conditions - Professionals believe that the flooding situation will continue to improve.

Following continued downpours, water sheets in Bavarian rivers increased on Monday. Experts at the Flood Alert Service (HND) predict a small hike in water levels throughout the day.

In Passau, Lower Bavaria, the second highest warning status 3 was reached on Monday, though in other precarious regions, levels 1 and 2 were hit. Inconveniently, the torrential rainfall over the weekend did not lead to the dreaded additional intensification of rivers.

The HND forecasts the floods scenario to ease on Tuesday. The German Climate Service forecasts merely mild to moderate shower in Bavaria until Wednesday. Although several affected areas and emergency teams are still tending the wreckage, the catastrophe alert was revoked in other regions on Monday. The city of Regensburg and the district of Neuburg-Schrobenhausen reported the conclusion of crisis status.

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