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Proceedings against former VW CEO Winterkorn resumed for market manipulation

In the scandal surrounding manipulated diesel engines, criminal proceedings against former VW CEO Martin Winterkorn, which were discontinued in 2021, have been resumed on suspicion of market manipulation. As the Braunschweig Regional Court announced on Thursday, the competent criminal chamber...


Proceedings against former VW CEO Winterkorn resumed for market manipulation

According to the Braunschweig Regional Court, it is not yet known when the trial against Winterkorn will begin.

The court had originally discontinued the proceedings against Winterkorn for alleged market manipulation in January 2021. The court's argument at the time was that Winterkorn was already facing such a high penalty in other proceedings in the VW diesel scandal that a conviction for market manipulation would not be significant. In these other proceedings, Winterkorn is accused of commercial and gang fraud.

The Braunschweig Regional Court has now also reopened the proceedings for alleged market manipulation. The reason given was that, on the one hand, no action had been taken against Winterkorn in the fraud proceedings for health reasons. On the other hand, the court now assumes that a conviction of Winterkorn for market manipulation would carry weight.

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