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Pro-Palestinian "protest camp" to be extended

In May, an occupation at the Free University of Berlin was broken up. A new protest camp on the edge of the university has now been tolerated. There are no plans to dismantle the tents for the time being.

Participants set up tents in front of the Henry Ford Building at Freie Universität Berlin (FU).
Participants set up tents in front of the Henry Ford Building at Freie Universität Berlin (FU).

Demonstrations - Pro-Palestinian "protest camp" to be extended

Activities around the propalestinian Protest Camp at the Free University Berlin (FU) have reportedly been peaceful according to university statements. "Observation by the Free University Berlin shows that the Camp is running unobtrusively, incidents are central not known, this also applies to any effects on the academic schedule," said a FU spokesperson to the German Press Agency.

A small student group initiated the construction of a tent camp a week ago on initiative of the group "Palestine Committee". The Protest Camp is registered with the police as a demonstration until Thursday (27. June) on a lawn area near the Henry-Ford-Building of the FU. The lawn area is considered publicly accessible by the university and falls under the Demonstration Law.

Camp to be extended

It has now been confirmed that the participants intend to continue their protest beyond the announced period. The application for extension until July 12 was filed, as a police spokesperson informed upon request. "The application for extension is with the responsible authority for processing and is currently being reviewed." The Camp is being permanently monitored by police. "Antisemitic crimes with a clear background in the current protest camp in Berlin are not known to the police at the moment," the spokesperson added. Exclamations or statements that could be understood as antisemitic, but do not fulfill a criminal offense, will not be recorded.

Vargas: Mood in Camp "defiant"

According to Vargas, around 50 people are participating in the Camp. Some stayed overnight, others only during the day. The participants organize lectures, workshops and roundtable discussions on topics related to the Gaza War.

Vargas described the mood as "good" and "very defiant". The protesters demand a ceasefire. They accuse Israel in the Gaza Strip of "genocide". The action also targets the clearing of earlier similar camps and occupations of parts of the university, as well as repression against students.

FU allows tent camp

The FU had announced last week that they would allow the tent camp if antisemitism, violence calls and property damage remained absent. Otherwise, the university would react with complaints.

  1. The protest camp at the Free University of Berlin (FU) is located near the Henry-Ford-Building, as specified in the police's registration of the demonstration, which runs until June 27th.
  2. Despite the peaceful nature of activities at the propalestinian Protest Camp, the police continue to monitor it closely due to the extension of the camp's stay until July 12th.
  3. The German Press Agency reported that the Free University Berlin's spokesperson confirmed the peaceful operation of the protest camp, stating that incidents and impacts on the academic schedule are not known.
  4. Vargas, a participant in the camp, described the mood at the Free University of Berlin's palestinian protest camp as "defiant," emphasizing the protesters' demands for a ceasefire in the Gaza War and their objections to antisemitism, violence, and repression against students.

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