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Prizes for exemplary reading promotion

An authors' meeting place, a garden house library and a hands-on crime thriller: these initiatives convinced the jury for the Hessian Reading Promotion Prize. The prize money of 15,000 euros will be split between the three winners: the Tannenbergschule support group from Seeheim-Jugenheim...

A man leafs through a book.
A man leafs through a book.

Awards - Prizes for exemplary reading promotion

An authors' meeting place, a garden house library and a hands-on crime thriller: these initiatives convinced the jury for the Hessian Reading Promotion Prize. The prize money of 15,000 euros will be split between the three winners: the Tannenbergschule support group from Seeheim-Jugenheim (Darmstadt-Dieburg district), the FürDich association from Dautphetal (Marburg-Biedenkopf district) and the Friedrichsdorf public library (Hochtaunus district).

The Hessian Reading Promotion Prize is awarded by the state of Hesse and the Hessian Literature Forum. "The three award-winning projects offer children and young people with very different knowledge and experiences motivating access to the great world of literature," explained Minister of Art and Culture Angela Dorn (Greens) in Wiesbaden on Friday.

The Förderkreis Tannenbergschule will receive 7000 euros. It organizes reading competitions, readings and reading theater, there is a newspaper club and a "reading dog". The FürDich association has converted a garden shed into a library for children and young people. This idea is being supported with 5000 euros.

The Friedrichsdorf public library is being honored for its project "Aktenzeichen Stadtbücherei ungelöst - Der Krimi-November für Kids" and will receive 3,000 euros. The older children read a crime story and solved the case as a self-written story or drawing. Then real police officers presented the results. For younger children, there was a "reading festival for little detectives".

Reading promotion by the ministry

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