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Private cars apparently repaired in police garage: Investigation in Schwerin

Employees of the central car workshop of the state police in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are alleged to have repaired private cars there for years. The public prosecutor's office in Schwerin is investigating a total of twelve employees of the central workshop on suspicion of embezzlement and...

Police vehicle
Police vehicle

Private cars apparently repaired in police garage: Investigation in Schwerin

The practices have been discontinued because employees of the workshop have reported openly to their superiors. In the Central Workshop, primarily vehicles of the Landesbereitschaftspolizeiamt are repaired and maintained, as well as repairs and modifications to vehicles of the Landespolice.

The accused employees are alleged to have had their private vehicles and those of their family members serviced and repaired in the workshop during working hours for several years in order to save costs for themselves and others. During repairs, they are said to have used official supplies.

The responsible Landesamt für Zentrale Aufgaben und Technik der Polizei, Brand- und Katastrophenschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern filed a report. On Wednesday, officials searched the personally used bays in the Central Workshop as well as their residences. Prior to this, the Schwerin District Court had issued corresponding search warrants.

  1. The public prosecutor's office in Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, is currently investigating allegations of misuse of resources at the Police workshop, involving the repair of private cars, including those of the accused employees' families.
  2. Despite the discontinuation of certain practices at the Car repair shop within the Police workshop, investigations have revealed that vehicles were still being serviced and repaired during working hours, which is a violation of regulations.
  3. The Public prosecutor's office is also examining the use of official supplies at the Car repair shop, particularly for repairs conducted on private cars, in connection with the misconduct reported by the workshop's employees.
  4. The local Car repair shop, part of the Police workshop in Schwerin, has a significant role in maintaining and repairing vehicles used by the Landesbereitschaftspolizeiamt and Landespolice, but it has also been involved in providing services to personal vehicles, which is now under scrutiny by the police and the public prosecutor's office.

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