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Prior to the immigration discussion: A CDU politician anticipates restrictions on immigration admissions.

Prior to the migration discussions involving the federal government, states, and the EU, CDU politician Thorsten Frei emphasized the necessity of comprehensive negotiations on immigration quotas. Expressing his stance to German editorial network newspapers on Tuesday, he stated, "A significant...

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Migrants confronting boundaries at Poland's frontier in October 2023

Prior to the immigration discussion: A CDU politician anticipates restrictions on immigration admissions.

The federal administration is huddling with federal states and the CDU/CSU crew on a Tuesday afternoon, discussing immigration policies and the aftermath of the stabbing incident in Solingen. The Union faction, along with CSU's in-house authority, Andrea Lindholz, will be present in this meeting.

The Union party is keen on engaging with the federal administration, focusing mainly on the issue of asylum seeker entry and access in Germany, as stated by Free. He emphasized, "We can't solve this issue through deportations alone, considering the over 226,000 individuals required to vacate the country." He added, "I hope the coalition is eager for an unfiltered dialogue."

From the government's standpoint, this discussion will primarily revolve around their "security package" introduced post-Solingen incident. This package includes expanding knife bans, cutting performance benefits for certain deportable refugees, enhancing investigative powers for security authorities, and implementing more prevention projects against Islamist extremism.

Free now hinted at discontinuing the talks if the federal government only intends to discuss the measures they proposed recently. In such a scenario, continuing the discussions would be pointless.

The Federal Commission will likely be involved in the dialogue between the federal administration and the political groups, given its role in overseeing national policies. The Commission might express their concerns about the proposed measures and suggest alternative approaches to address the security concerns post-Solingen.

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