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Prime Minister Weil: Apply EU asylum compromise consistently

Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil has praised the EU's agreement on a fundamental asylum reform. Only with joint and coordinated measures will it be possible for people "who really need our protection and help to come to Europe and stay here", said the SPD politician on Wednesday....

Stephan Weil (r, SPD), Minister President of Lower Saxony, makes a government statement in
Stephan Weil (r, SPD), Minister President of Lower Saxony, makes a government statement in the Lower Saxony state parliament.

Migration - Prime Minister Weil: Apply EU asylum compromise consistently

Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil has praised the EU's agreement on a fundamental asylum reform. Only with joint and coordinated measures will it be possible for people "who really need our protection and help to come to Europe and stay here", said the SPD politician on Wednesday. "All those who have set off for good reasons but come from comparatively safe home countries should not be allowed to gain a foothold in Europe in the first place."

He very much hopes that the agreed legal regulations will also be applied consistently by all member states in Europe, said Weil: "No country should shirk its shared responsibility for guaranteeing the right to political asylum."

The asylum regulations in the EU are to be tightened after years of discussion. The plan is to introduce uniform border procedures at the external borders and a much tougher approach to people from countries that are considered relatively safe. Until a decision is made on the asylum application, people are to be housed in detention-like conditions in reception camps. According to the plan, arriving people can be registered with fingerprints and photos in future to check whether they pose a threat to security. Asylum applications will also be processed more quickly and rejected asylum seekers will be deported to third countries more easily.

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