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Price increases: State plans financial injection for Wilhelma

Due to high price increases, the state wants to support Stuttgart's Wilhelma with a financial injection. As reported by the Ulm-based newspaper "Südwest Presse" (Saturday edition), the cabinet is to approve a good 2.1 million euros in the coming week. According to the report, the money is to be...

Euro banknotes lying on a table.
Euro banknotes lying on a table.

Zoo - Price increases: State plans financial injection for Wilhelma

Due to high price increases, the state wants to support Stuttgart's Wilhelma with a financial injection. As reported by the Ulm-based newspaper "Südwest Presse" (Saturday edition), the cabinet is to approve a good 2.1 million euros in the coming week. According to the report, the money is to be taken from the budget reserve. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance confirmed the report.

Without the additional funds, the zoo's operations could not be guaranteed for the whole of 2023, the newspaper quotes from a cabinet submission by Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz (Greens). The state is the owner of the well-known zoo in Stuttgart and had already stepped in financially in recent years. Following a dramatic slump in visitor numbers due to the coronavirus pandemic, a grant of 7.5 million euros was initially provided in autumn 2021, and in 2022 the state extended a rescue package of 2.061 million euros to Wilhelma.

According to the report, the zoo is suffering from "enormous inflation-related price increases" and high revenue losses. "As savings alone will not be enough to at least limit the deficit in future years, Wilhelma is also preparing to increase admission prices from the 2024 spring season," the cabinet bill states according to the report.

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