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Price increases observed in Thuringia.

Inflation is on the rise once more in Thuringia, leading to higher prices for consumers at grocery stores and gas stations.

Coins are lying on a receipt.
Coins are lying on a receipt.

Costs have recently increased. - Price increases observed in Thuringia.

In Thuringia, consumer prices experienced another significant rise in May. The State Statistical Office in Erfurt reports a 2.6% hike in prices as compared to the previous year, up from the 2.2% annual inflation rate in April. This increase has a negative impact on purchasing power.

In the realm of transportation, you'll be spending 2.6% more at the gas stations than you did a year ago. Food and non-alcoholic beverages saw an average price increase of 1.1% over the same time period, while fruits shot up by a whopping 5.8%. On the other hand, fresh vegetables were a bit more affordable, with a 4.5% drop in prices. Dairy products and eggs, however, experienced a 5.7% decrease, according to experts. However, dining out is now a costlier affair.

Interestingly, the price changes from April to May were minimal. Vegetables slipped by an average of 2.6%, while coffee, tea, and cocoa saw a 2.5% decrease in prices compared to the preceding month.

Press Release: State Statistical Office

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