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Previously Vice President of Trump prays for his recovery

According to his own statements, the former Vice President under Donald Trump, Mike Pence, reportedly prayed for Trump's recovery after the latter narrowly escaped an assassination attempt. He "thank God" that Trump was safe and prayed "for his recovery and for those who were killed or injured...

Mike Pence
Mike Pence

Previously Vice President of Trump prays for his recovery

Political violence has no place in America" and it "should be generally condemned," added Pence, who has been aligned with Trump for several years.

The ultra-conservative politician and evangelical Christian Pence had been a loyal deputy to Trump in the White House for four years. However, the Capitol storming on January 6, 2021, led to a rift between the two Republicans.

Pence had refused Trump's request to block the certification of Joe Biden's victory in the Presidential Election 2020 in the Congress. Some of Trump's supporters, who stormed the Capitol that day, wanted to lynch Pence as well. Pence has criticized Trump sharply and declared that the right-wing populist should not be allowed to be President again.

Trump was shot at during a campaign rally in the US state of Pennsylvania on Saturday. The presumptive Republican Presidential candidate was lightly injured in the ear. According to official reports, besides the alleged shooter, one spectator was killed, and two others were seriously injured.

The attempted assassination caused shock worldwide: US President Joe Biden, as well as other American and international politicians, spoke out against any form of violence in politics and warned of a threat to democracy.

  1. Despite the rift between them after the Capitol storming, former Vice President Mike Pence, who has been aligned with Donald Trump for several years, strongly condemned political violence, stating that it has no place in America.
  2. Following the Capitol storming, which led to a rift between Trump and Pence, the former Vice President criticized Trump sharply and declared that the right-wing populist should not be allowed to be President again.
  3. Even after the attempted murder on Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, the Republicans, including former Vice President Mike Pence, continue to generally condemn any form of political violence.
  4. Joe Biden, the current US President, and other politicians, including Mike Pence, spoke out against violence in politics after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, warning of a threat to democracy.
  5. During the Presidential Election 2020, Mike Pence refused Trump's request to block the certification of Joe Biden's victory in the Congress, which was met with anger from some of Trump's supporters, who wanted to lynch Pence as well.

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