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Previous partner's pad immersed in flood: suspended penalty.

Upon her return from vacation, a woman discovered her apartment in a shambles, with damaged furnishings, mutilated clothes, and ruined beds. The court recently concluded that this was a result of a relationship crime.

Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.
Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.

Revamp the following: "Revamping a process" "Reformulating a sequence of steps" "Reworking a set of actions" "Overhauling the way something is done" "Refining a series of tasks" - Previous partner's pad immersed in flood: suspended penalty.

Following a major water incident in a Berlin-Lichtenberg multi-family house, a male aged 56 was ordered to undergo one year and nine months of probation. On Wednesday at the Tiergarten District Court, the individual faced charges relating to his former partner's apartment's destruction and flooding while she was on vacation. The presiding judge deemed the actions "a crime of emotional distress" and attributed them to anger and exasperation. The defendant admitted to committing property damage and theft using weapons. Additionally, the court enforced the seizure of 2,520 euros. The man had previously denied the claims.

A 30-year-old woman was away with her three children in her native Turkey when her former partner allegedly managed to gain access to her Frankfurter Allee apartment with a forged key on August 1, 2023. Before turning on the water taps in the kitchen and bathroom, he allegedly knocked off curtain poles from the walls, sliced mattresses and clothes with a knife, and cut the cables of the refrigerator and washing machine. He then seemingly positioned a silicone dildo with suction cup on the TV. He then absconded with 2,000 euros and four gold coins from the oldest kid.

When authorities, prompted by a neighbor, showed up around 10:00 p.m., the apartment's water level was recorded to be two centimeters deep. 9 apartments in the building were affected by the flooding, with 2 being uninhabitable for several months. "Everything in our apartment was destroyed," the 30-year-old stated in court. She had born two children with the 56-year-old. Post-separation, he reportedly made repeated threats against her.

The accused retorted, "I had no involvement." His defense attorney urged for an acquittal: "what evidence other than subjective testimony exists?" The prosecutor pushed for a 15-month sentence without a probation. The sentence is not yet legally binding.

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