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Prevention campaign against trick thieves at rest areas

More and more tricksters are up to mischief at rest stops on Brandenburg's highways. The criminals are also becoming increasingly violent. A police campaign aims to raise awareness.

View of the A13 highway with truck traffic near the junction to the L74.
View of the A13 highway with truck traffic near the junction to the L74.

Crime - Prevention campaign against trick thieves at rest areas

Their robberies take place along freeways - tricksters often have an easy time in Brandenburg, especially at rest areas and parking lots. They steal goods directly from truck beds, lure drivers out of their cars in order to get hold of stolen goods and sometimes use violence in the process. According to the police, foreign truck drivers in particular are often victims of tricksters. A prevention campaign by the Southern Police Directorate aims to provide information and raise awareness. The "Beware of trick thieves" campaign was launched on Thursday at the Berstetal service area (Dahme-Spreewald). In future, warning signs will be placed at rest areas and parking lots along the A13 and A15 to draw attention to the danger. The campaign is to be extended to the whole of Brandenburg and could also set a precedent nationwide.

Large warning signs in several languages

The white signs with black lettering and a red border are to be clearly visible at freeway service areas, for example in the stopping area and in washing cabins. "Do not be lured out of your vehicle. Keep your vehicle locked. Take care of your valuables" is written on the signs in German, Polish, English and Russian. Other signs describe how tricksters might proceed. If someone knocks on the car window at night, it could be such criminals, who usually act in pairs - one distracts, the other steals valuables. There is also a warning against violence. The campaign was co-designed by the Autobahn GmbH North-East branch.

Many crimes and more violence - and the trend is rising

Trick thieves have become commonplace at rest areas and parking lots on Brandenburg's freeways. In 2022, the police registered a total of 540 crimes, mainly in the south, east and west of the state. A similar number of crimes is expected for 2023. Motor vehicles or vehicle parts were stolen at parking and rest areas on freeways, goods were stolen from the loading area or cash, valuables or documents were stolen from the driver's cab. In ten cases, offenders used violence to achieve their goals. According to the police, the number of robbery offenses - i.e. cases in which violence is used - increased significantly this year. "This puts pressure on us to act," confirmed police spokesman Maik Kettlitz.

Truck drivers are often difficult to reachThe police want to use the prevention measure to better reach truck drivers at rest areas and make them aware that everyone should protect themselves better, especially when drivers spend the night at rest areas. Many of the drivers do not speak German and have often not had the best experiences with the police in their countries of origin, reported police spokesman Maik Kettlitz. On the other hand, gangs of thieves in Brandenburg have now become more professional and are extremely well trained psychologically. Operational measures, such as using plainclothes detectives, had not brought the hoped-for success, and the campaign is now intended to provide support.

With the A15 and A13 highways, there is a faster connection to Eastern Europe, and the highway to Wroclaw has been completed. Brandenburg is not only a transit state and business location, but freight traffic on the highways is also playing an increasingly important role, described police spokesman Kettlitz. The structural development in Lusatia has also led to more traffic with goods worth billions. Trick thieves are not occasional offenders and are quick to adapt to situations and circumstances. All the more reason for the police to ensure safe stopping places.

Campaign could set a precedent nationwide

The South Brandenburg police campaign is to be extended to the whole of Brandenburg, and other directorates could adopt the project, according to the traffic police department of the Ministry of the Interior. However, the prevention work could also have nationwide appeal. "We want to offer the campaign nationwide," said Cindy Kersting, who works in the transport sector at the Ministry of the Interior, to the German Press Agency. The campaign will be presented next year in the working group of the federal states' traffic officers. Next year, Brandenburg will chair the conference of interior ministers.

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