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Presidium of the Association of Cities and Towns discusses pressing municipal problems

Childcare, local transport, hospitals: a number of essential everyday issues are being implemented in the municipalities. Leading local politicians will discuss what is currently particularly important in Wolfsburg on Wednesday.

A sign with the inscription "Emergency room".
A sign with the inscription "Emergency room".

Municipalities - Presidium of the Association of Cities and Towns discusses pressing municipal problems

Refugee accommodation, hospital care and housing construction: top representatives want to discuss pressing issues from a municipal perspective in Wolfsburg on Wednesday. The Autostadt is hosting the 260th meeting of the Presidium of the Lower Saxony Association of Cities and Towns (NST). Also on the agenda are the implementation of the legal entitlement to all-day childcare and the future of the Deutschlandticket, as announced by the Wolfsburg administration.

Most recently, the Association of Cities had criticized planned changes to the building regulations by the state government, for example. If, for example, parking spaces no longer had to be created when building new homes, cities and municipalities would be deprived of the sovereignty to make local decisions for people according to their needs, it said. Wolfsburg's Lord Mayor Dennis Weilmann and Salzgitter's Lord Mayor Frank Klingebiel (both CDU), among others, want to provide information on Wednesday's deliberations as President of the Association of Cities and Towns and explain the body's demands.

The Lower Saxony Association of C ities and Towns is a municipal umbrella organization that, according to its own information, includes more than 120 cities and municipalities. The association thus represents around 60 percent of the inhabitants of Lower Saxony. The executive committee consists of 20 people, who must be mayors, mayors, their representatives or elected officials, as well as advisory members.

Read also:

  1. The Presidium of the Association of Cities and Towns in Lower Saxony will discuss the future of the Deutschlandticket in relation to refugee accommodation and hospital care, during their meeting in Wolfsburg's Autostadt.
  2. As part of the 260th meeting, representatives from municipalities will also address the impact of proposed changes to building regulations on their sovereignty to make local decisions, such as the removal of parking space requirements for new housing constructions.
  3. In a recent statement, the Association of Cities expressed concern that depriving cities and municipalities of the ability to make local decisions based on community needs could lead to a lack of appropriate refugee accommodation and housing construction.
  4. The upcoming convention of cities in Wolfsburg will be an opportunity for the Association of Cities and Towns to gather insight from various municipalities, including Wolfsburg and Salzgitter, to understand their perspectives and formulate demands regarding these pressing issues.
  5. In a bid to ensure the adequate provision of refugee accommodation, hospital care, and affordable housing, the Association of Cities and Towns will emphasize the importance of maintaining their local decision-making power and collaborating with municipalities in Lower Saxony to shape a sustainable future.



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