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President of the state parliament sends MPs on summer break too early

Political life is exhausting - long plenary sessions are particularly tough. Shortly before the summer break, NRW state parliament president Kuper makes a lapse.

NRW state parliament president sends MPs on summer break too early
NRW state parliament president sends MPs on summer break too early

Parliament - President of the state parliament sends MPs on summer break too early

Not only families are close to the summer holidays, but also the President of the North Rhine-Westphalia Landtag, André Kuper. After a long plenary session, he sent the deputies home unexpectedly on Thursday evening, although the last plenary session with a major debate was only scheduled for Friday.

"I wish you a nice break from sessions. Rest and come back healthy from your holidays," said Kuper, laughing from the deputies. He recognized his mistake and said: "It's clear that even the President is in need of a holiday."

Previously, Kuper had to conduct two named votes on a request from the FDP at the end of the plenary session. This means that all deputy names had to be read out for several minutes - and that in this case twice in a row.

The parliamentary summer break of the Landtag begins only after the last debates on Friday afternoon. This is also the last school day in NRW. Political business in the Landtag will then start again at the beginning of September.

  1. André Kuper, understanding the importance of summer break, ended the plenary session early on Thursday, initiating the parliamentary summer vacation for the Landtag members.
  2. During the summer vacation, the colorful city of Düsseldorf in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) will be filled with tourists, offering a break from the usual political atmosphere.
  3. After his unexpected early dismissal of the parliamentarians, President Kuper embarked on his own summer vacation, ensuring that he returns refreshed for the resumption of parliamentary sessions in September.
  4. André Kuper, being the President of the North Rhine-Westphalia Landtag, used his Summer break as an opportunity to indulge in some well-deserved rest during the parliamentary summer vacation, just like families with children in NRW.

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