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President of the state parliament opts for vegetarian food on 24.12

For many, Christmas means a roast on the plate. Brandenburg's state parliament president Liedtke and her family increasingly eat vegetarian food for the festive season - with one exception.

Ulrike Liedtke, President of the Brandenburg State Parliament.
Ulrike Liedtke, President of the Brandenburg State Parliament.

Christmas dinner - President of the state parliament opts for vegetarian food on 24.12

Brandenburg's state parliament president Ulrike Liedtke is increasingly opting for meat-free cuisine at Christmas alongside the traditional goose. "There are special meals: Christmas Eve vegetarian mashed potatoes, various vegetables and zucchini schnitzel," Liedtke told the German Press Agency. Of course, there would also be stollen, gingerbread and cookies - and good music. "For the non-vegetarian group, a goose will be on the table on Boxing Day. We are in the middle of a transition to meatless cuisine."

"Six half-grown and grown-up children" visit the President of Parliament for the festive season, she revealed. The tree only lights up for her on Christmas Eve - "after the bells".

And what else is part of Christmas for the President of the State Parliament - apart from the festive meal? "In Rheinsberg, a visit to the castle park is part of Christmas, with dogs and socializing."

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