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Prepare for heavy rainfall - crucial actions to take around your home

Pay heed to the dire weather alert!

The dark clouds herald the drama: if heavy rainfall is forecast, you can still protect your...
The dark clouds herald the drama: if heavy rainfall is forecast, you can still protect your building at short notice.

Prepare for heavy rainfall - crucial actions to take around your home

Storm alert? It may be too late for extensive renovations. But, there are things you can still do to safeguard your home and belongings from heavy rain.

In certain regions of Germany, including parts of South Germany, there will be intense rainshowers in the upcoming days. The German Weather Service (DWD) has issued storm alerts for heavy, sustained rain on Thursday. Here's how to secure your property:

  1. Inspect backflow valves

If the sewage system can no longer manage the rain, the water might seep into the dwelling via the drains. Backflow valves are designed to prevent this by closing the pipes from below. However, they need to be functioning.

The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (BBK) thus suggests examining the backflow valves in the basement during such a weather warning - and before the water level has risen there. It's crucial not to remain in basement rooms during flooding; this could be fatal.

Before you leave, make sure to lock the backflow valves. The Consumer Center North Rhine-Westphalia suggests this in a brochure on guarding against heavy rain. This way, sewage from the sewer won't enter your property if it rains heavily while you're away.

It's also crucial to note: If you discard wet wipes, tampons, sanitary napkins, food waste, hair, or cleaning rags in the toilet, they might become lodged in the backflow valve and obstruct the backflow protection. Therefore, it's essential to dispose of these items in the sewer instead of flushing them down the toilet.

  1. Secure windows and doors

Ensure all windows and doors are closed - even those in the attic and basement. It's wise to purchase sandbags, wooden boards, waterproof plywood panels, and silicone to seal windows and doors against flooding, according to the BBK. If there's a chance of flooding, you can use these materials to seal your windows and doors.

It's also advisable to buy a mobile dam system that can be set up in front of doors, windows, or garage doors during a flooding situation. This is a smart investment.

  1. Relocate valuable possessions

The BBK advocates emptying cellar rooms that are vulnerable to flooding or are already submerged beforehand. It's prudent to transfer valuable furniture or appliances like computers and so forth to the upper, flood-resistant sections of your home.

Additionally, hazardous substances and chemicals such as gasoline, oil, pesticides, or paints from at-risk regions ought to be removed. Under no circumstances should they be allowed to contaminate the water. And the fuel tank for heating oil should be secured against buoyancy. If necessary, fasten it to the wall or weigh it down.

  1. In case of an emergency, switch off electrical appliances

If water is about to penetrate rooms, it's wise to turn off the electrical devices there. If required, you should also turn off the main fuse.

Note: Prior to cleaning up and entering rooms submerged in water, you must absolutely turn off the electrical system. This is emphasized by the initiative Elektro+, a coalition of the electrical industry.

If the power supply, the meter, or the fuse box is situated in a flooded area, you can only turn off the voltage by the local energy supply company. This is explained by the Berufsgenossenschaft Energie Textil Elektro Medienerzeugnisse (BG ETEM).

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