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Preliminary data reveals reduced voter participation in Bremen.

In Bremen, large groups of citizens were encouraged to participate in the European elections. Turnout in the afternoon was marginally less than in previous years.

European flags fly in front of the EU Commission headquarters.
European flags fly in front of the EU Commission headquarters.

Voting Process - Preliminary data reveals reduced voter participation in Bremen.

In the German state of Bremen, fewer voters turned up at the polls for this year's European election compared to five years ago. As of 4:30 PM, only 42.9% of the electorate had cast their votes, representing a drop of 3.6 percentage points from 2019's figures. Mailed-in ballots weren't considered in these numbers. Five years ago, 63% of eligible voters from Bremen participated in the election. The Bremen state is comprised of the city of Bremen and the city of Bremerhaven.

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Despite the reduced voter turnout in the European elections in Bremen, several political parties still managed to secure interim results. The European elections acted as a test for various parties across Europe, with parties in Bremen also vying for support. This year's voter turnout in Bremen was significantly lower than the 63% seen in the previous European elections in 2019.

