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Pre-Christmas calm - Dax only little moved

After a tough pre-Christmas week, not much happened on the DAX on Friday. The most important German stock market barometer closed up 0.11 percent at 16,706.18 points. Over the week as a whole, the leading index fell by around 0.3 percent. The MDax of medium-sized companies fell by 1.01 percent...

The Dax is the most important share index in Germany.
The Dax is the most important share index in Germany.

Stock exchange in Frankfurt - Pre-Christmas calm - Dax only little moved

After a tough pre-Christmas week, not much happened on the DAX on Friday. The most important German stock market barometer closed up 0.11 percent at 16,706.18 points. Over the week as a whole, the leading index fell by around 0.3 percent. The MDax of medium-sized companies fell by 1.01 percent to 26,943.60 points on Friday.

Many market participants have already closed their books before Christmas. Stock market activity is likely to calm down further towards the end of the year. The Dax has gained 20 percent since the beginning of the year.

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The DAX, located in Frankfurt on the Main, serves as a stock market barometer for Germany. The Frankfurt Exchange is where traders buy and sell shares, including those on the DAX and MDAX indexes. Germany's DAX and MDAX saw minimal movement and slight decreases respectively, despite a strong performance this year with the DAX rising by 20%. Despite the pre-Christmas calm, Frankfurt's stock market remains an essential component for measuring the health of German companies and the overall economy.


