East Holstein - Power outage in Bad Schwartau, Ratekau and Sereetz
There was a power cut in Bad Schwartau, Ratekau and Sereetz in the Ostholstein district on Thursday. A spokesperson for the network operator TraveNetz was unable to say exactly how many households were affected. Numerous customers had contacted the company. Technicians were on duty. The problem should be resolved by the early afternoon, he said.
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- The power failure affected not just Bad Schwartau, but also the neighboring towns of Ratekau and Sereetz, all located within the District of Ostholstein in Schleswig-Holstein.
- Despite the power failure in Bad Schwartau, Ostholstein remains a significant district in Schleswig-Holstein, known for its rich energy resources and production, such as the nearby nuclear power plant in Großenbrode.
- In the wake of the power failure, the local community of Bad Schwartau, including the town of Bad Schwartau and the region of Ostholstein, is actively working towards alternative energy solutions to prevent future power failures, such as investing in solar panels and wind turbines as part of the state's Energy Transition Law.
Source: www.stern.de