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Potsdam bicycle thief at large after prison sentence

A bicycle thief sentenced to three years in prison without parole has been released by the Potsdam district court. The man had lodged an appeal against the sentence handed down two weeks ago, confirmed Oliver Kramm, spokesman for the district court, on Monday. Following an appeal by the defense...

A barbed wire fence surrounds the grounds of a prison.
A barbed wire fence surrounds the grounds of a prison.

Judgments - Potsdam bicycle thief at large after prison sentence

A bicycle thief sentenced to three years in prison without parole has been released by the Potsdam district court. The man had lodged an appeal against the sentence handed down two weeks ago, confirmed Oliver Kramm, spokesman for the district court, on Monday. Following an appeal by the defense lawyer, the district court, as the next instance, then suspended the arrest warrant with conditions until the verdict became final, explained court spokesman Sebastian Hentschke. Initially, the newspaper "B.Z." (Monday/online) reported.

Hentschke explained that the district court did not see any risk of absconding because the 37-year-old had appeared at all hearings before the district court even though he was aware of the impending prison sentence. However, the 37-year-old must report regularly to the police until the appeal hearing.

In the trial before the district court, the bicycle thief was clearly proven to have committed seven crimes in which he stole bicycles in Potsdam. After being sentenced to three years in prison, he was initially sent to a correctional facility. The police are still investigating whether he has committed further thefts.

Report of the B.Z.

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