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Potocnik case: Cas confirms transfer ban against 1. FC Köln

FC Köln has failed in its appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in the Potocnik case. In one detail, the Court even increased the punishment.

Cologne youngster Jaka Cuber Potocnik celebrates his goal.
Cologne youngster Jaka Cuber Potocnik celebrates his goal.

Soccer - Potocnik case: Cas confirms transfer ban against 1. FC Köln

The International Court of Arbitration for Sport Cas has confirmed the transfer ban of two transfer periods imposed on 1. FC Köln by FIFA. As the Bundesliga club announced on Thursday, the ruling from Lausanne, Switzerland, was received in the afternoon. The background to this is the signing of youth player Jaka Cuber Potocnik in January 2022, whose former club Olimpija Ljubljana accused Cologne of instigating the transfer of the then 16-year-old Potocnik and appealed to FIFA. Originally, the club even wanted a transfer fee of 2.5 million euros and around 70,000 euros in compensation.

On February 1, 2023, the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber found 1. FC Köln guilty of unjustified breach of contract and incitement to breach of contract. The player was also ordered to pay €51,750 to Potocnik's former Slovenian club, with FC being jointly liable. The Cas has now increased the amount to be paid to 60,000 euros in its verdict published on Thursday. Youngster Potocnik will also be banned for four months. Cologne had appealed against this ruling to the Cas, whereupon the FIFA ruling was initially suspended in May.

"Although 1. FC Köln put forward extensive arguments against the FIFA decision and the facts presented by FC were confirmed by numerous witnesses at the hearing, the Cas has now finally ruled against 1. FC Köln and against Jaka Cuber Potocnik," the Bundesliga club announced.

Managing director Christian Keller expressed his disappointment, saying that a different verdict had been desired and expected. "Regardless of this, we now have clarity and the several months of limbo are finally over. We have always said that we have always taken the transfer ban scenario into consideration and will plan our squad accordingly until the end of the ban," explained Keller.

Press release 1. FC Köln Press release Cas

Read also:

  1. Following the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber's finding in February 2023, the International Sports Court (Cas) in Lausanne, Switzerland, upheld the transfer ban against 1. FC Cologne for two transfer periods.
  2. The decision by Cas to increase the amount to be paid to Jaka Cuber Potocnik's former club, Olimpija Ljubljana, from €51,750 to €60,000, is a significant development in the 'Potocnik case'.
  3. Amidst the ongoing debate about international sports court rulings, this case has highlighted the importance of adhering to transfer regulations, especially for clubs participating in leagues such as the Bundesliga in Germany, based in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  4. Jaka Cuber Potocnik, the youngster at the center of the transfer ban controversy, will also serve a four-month ban handed down by Cas under FIFA's rules.
  5. The transfer ban issue has brought scrutiny to the role of Fifa in international sports, with many critics questioning the organization's transparency and accountability.
  6. Slovenian club Olimpija Ljubljana, expelling arguments from numerous witnesses and 1. FC Cologne's extensive arguments amidst the transfer ban controversy, can now look forward to the €60,000 from Cas' decree.
  7. fifa, international sports court, Cas, 1.FC Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bundesliga, Transfer ban, Jaka Cuber Potocnik, Transfers, CAS, lausanne, Switzerland, FIFA decision, slovenian club, Olimpija Ljubljana.




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