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Potential manslaughter attempt: Inquiry underway

In Cuxhaven, a 54-year-old man sustains serious injuries while a 32-year-old man and two police officers suffer minor injuries following a dispute. The legal authorities opened an investigation into the 32-year-old for possible attempted murder during this altercation. Reportedly, the conflict...

The word "Police" is written on a police car.
The word "Police" is written on a police car.

The Cuxhaven County - Potential manslaughter attempt: Inquiry underway

A heated argument escalated into a violent confrontation, potentially involving a telescopic baton. By chance, firefighters were nearby and stepped in to break it up before the police arrived. The landlord suffered serious injuries and was sent to the hospital.

A 32-year-old man was temporarily detained, and a blood test was conducted on him. As stated by the authorities, he showed significant resistance. In the course of this struggle, a 27-year-old female police officer and a 30-year-old male officer received minor injuries. The police have now taken over the case.

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The incident occurred within the County of Cuxhaven. The public prosecutor's office in Lower Saxony is now involved in the investigation due to the potential charges of manslaughter. Despite the intervention of the fire department, the situation remains under investigation by the local police force. The alleged perpetrator, a 32-year-old man, is still in custody, while the officers involved in the altercation continue to recover from their minor injuries.

