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Potential health risks: Kressbronner must heat up their drinking water.

Residents of certain areas in Kressbronn near Lake Constance are advised to boil their drinking water due to potential germ contamination in the water supply system. Authorities made this announcement on Wednesday, stating that harmful microorganisms were discovered in a water tank post-flood....

A pot of boiling water.
A pot of boiling water.

Inundation - Potential health risks: Kressbronner must heat up their drinking water.

The heavy rain and flooding have caused some complications in the Haslach Joint Water Association's supply area. In one of their high-pressure tanks, which feeds into the network, a small amount of bacteria was found. Despite this, all other samples taken from the water supply have come back negative, and there is no need to add additional chlorine to the water. The potential presence of bacteria means that the Bodenseekreis District Office has issued a boil water notice.

This means that the water should be used solely for boiling purposes—drinking, washing vegetables, rinsing, cooking, or cleaning your teeth. Residents can use an online map to see if their homes are situated in the region affected by the possible bacteria.

Read also:

Due to the bacteria discovery in their water supply, residents of Baden-Württemberg's Haslach Joint Water Association have been advised to boil their water, as a precautionary measure against the unsettling Germ risk. The floodwaters have indeed reached areas like Kressbronn, increasing the overall Germ risk associated with the water, making it necessary to boil the drinking water before use.

