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Potential climate conditions anticipated for the year 2080.

Italy's COVID-19 surge leads to concerns about Germany's future struggle.

The simulation predicts climatic conditions for the German capital that currently prevail in Emilia...
The simulation predicts climatic conditions for the German capital that currently prevail in Emilia Romagna, Italy.

Potential climate conditions anticipated for the year 2080.

Global temperatures are climbing steeply - even Germany won't escape the brunt of climate change. US researchers, through simulations, have painted a grim picture of what could happen if emissions continue unchecked.

Imagine Berlin transforming into Emilia Romagna, Italy, and Miami morphing into Saudi Arabia: An interactive map illustrates how your hometown's climate in the future could resemble that of another city currently. This map was created by Matthew Fitzpatrick, an environmental researcher from the University of Maryland, USA.

The map indicates that by 2080, temperatures and humidity could reach levels characteristic of near-equatorial regions due to the escalation of the climate crisis. The data represents over 40,500 cities and more than 5,000 metropolitan areas, as per the university.

So, the climate in Scandinavian cities like Stockholm and Oslo could resemble that of Croatia in the future. By 2080, Londoners might experience a climate akin to the Labarde community in Bordeaux, France, today.

Different Scenarios

"In the next 50 years, northern hemisphere cities will resemble their southern hemisphere counterparts," said Fitzpatrick. As of now, no place on Earth mirrors this, as the climate in equatorial regions like Central America, South Florida, and North Africa could resemble the future.

Fitzpatrick employed the statistical climate analogy method and IPCC Climate Report data for his calculations. Based on standard assumptions, this application assumes a high emissions path, with the planet heating up approximately nine degrees Celsius by the end of this century. The map also displays results with reduced emissions: If the planet warms up by roughly three degrees Celsius by the end of the century, Berlin would then feel more like the community of Boehlingen-Iggelheim in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.

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