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Postal Voters in Dresden Receive Ballot Papers from NRW: Reminder

Applications for postal voting documents for the European elections on June 9 have already started. Certain voters in Dresden have already received these from North Rhine-Westphalia.

Eine Wahlbenachrichtigung für die Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament steckt in einem Briefumschlag.
Eine Wahlbenachrichtigung für die Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament steckt in einem Briefumschlag.

Voting Events - Postal Voters in Dresden Receive Ballot Papers from NRW: Reminder

Dresden, a city in Germany, has identified an issue with its European election ballot papers. The problem is that 320 ballots were distributed to voters in the city, but they're meant for North Rhine-Westphalia. The city made this revelation on a Wednesday. These affected parties will be notified through the mail. Over 120,000 individuals who are eligible to vote in the Saxon state capital have already received their postal voting documents.

This error with the North Rhine-Westphalia ballot papers for the European elections was found this week. Three voters had registered, and an investigation was conducted. As a result, the city discovered that in 320 instances, possibly erroneous ballot papers could have been sent out during the postal voting process.

The organization responsible for printing and readying the ballot papers on behalf of the city received these incorrect European election ballot papers from a printing service provider in the state.

430,000 people are allowed to vote in Dresden for the European elections on June 9th.

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