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Post-controversial video incident, anti-racism demonstration slated for Sylt.

In a controversial video, partygoers on Sylt excite public fury with their shouts of "Foreigners out." In response, a left-wing coalition demands a protest on the island.

"Sylt top left not right" is written on a poster held by a woman at a vigil on Sylt.
"Sylt top left not right" is written on a poster held by a woman at a vigil on Sylt.

Post-controversial video incident, anti-racism demonstration slated for Sylt.

Approximately a week ago, a controversial video from a bar on Sylt surfaced, leading to a coalition organizing a protest against racism and far-right extremism in Westerland. The group behind the demonstration, Sylt Against the Right, estimates that there will be around 600-800 attendees on Sunday (3 pm) based on police estimates. Their goal is to convey a strong message: Racism and right-wing extremist ideologies have no place on Sylt, no matter if you're a resident or a tourist.

The incident at the bar, where guests shouted racial slurs such as "Foreigners out" and "Germany for the Germans" during the song "L'amour toujours," sparked widespread condemnation across the country. The video had gone viral on the internet, igniting anger and disgust among politicians, including Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

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