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Possibly fewer train journeys from the end of 2025

Will there be fewer train journeys in Lower Saxony in future? Due to the tight financial situation, the regional transport company is currently examining this. A decision should be made soon.

From December 2025, there could possibly be fewer journeys on local and regional services in Lower...
From December 2025, there could possibly be fewer journeys on local and regional services in Lower Saxony.

Due to tight financial situation - Possibly fewer train journeys from the end of 2025

Due to the tight financial situation, there may be fewer train journeys in Lower Saxony in local and regional transport from the end of 2025. Current tests are being carried out from December 2025 to determine possible cancellations, a spokeswoman for the Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft (LNVG) told the German Press Agency in Hannover.

All transport contracts are being checked, and cancellations should reportedly not be at the expense of individual regions. "Which journeys could potentially be affected is to be clarified by the fall," the spokeswoman added.

The LNVG orders around €450 million in train services per year. The possible savings have not yet been determined. The spokeswoman emphasized that no cancellations are planned for the 2025 timetable year. However, there have been no major additional orders in previous years. In addition to the labor shortage, rising energy and personnel costs are causing problems for some railway companies in the state.

Transport Ministry: No cancellations planned for 2025

The Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft is responsible for transport planning and the conceptualization of train schedules in local and regional passenger rail (SPNV) in Lower Saxony and concludes contracts with railway companies. According to the Transport Ministry, there are other agencies responsible for the transport in the Hanover region and in the greater Braunschweig area.

A spokesperson for the Transport Ministry in Hannover stated on inquiry that there are no plans for cancellations in the SPNV for the coming year. Lower Saxony will receive approximately €990 million in regionalization funds from the Federal Government for this year, about €30 million more than in the previous year. Most of this money is used by federal states for the financing of the transport offer in local transport.

  1. The German Press Agency reported about potential cancellations in regional traffic in Lower Saxony, citing a spokeswoman from the Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft (LNVG) based in Hanover.
  2. The Ministry of Transport in Hannover assured that no cancellations are planned in regional traffic for the 2025 timetable year, despite the financial challenges faced by some railroad companies.
  3. The German Press Agency reported that the tight financial position of the Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft may lead to fewer train journeys in Lower Saxony's regional traffic from the end of 2025.
  4. According to the German Press Agency, the Ministry of Transport in Hannover is responsible for transport planning in the Hanover region and the greater Braunschweig area, along with other agencies.
  5. The German Press Agency reported that the Ministry of Transport in Lower Saxony will receive over €990 million in regionalization funds from the Federal Government in 2023, an increase of approximately €30 million compared to the previous year, to finance the transport offer in local transport.

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